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Carbon Offset your fuel card purchases

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Purchase carbon credits with our carbon offset programme and fund several CO2e reduction projects worldwide.

As a Greenarc company, we are proud to be one of the first fuel card suppliers in the country to launch a carbon-offsetting fuel card scheme.
Through our scheme we purchase carbon credits (Voluntary Carbon Units VCUs) on your behalf which reflect the fuel’s associated carbon emissions. These can include forestry schemes, hydroelectric power stations, wind farms, and other green initiatives that help reduce carbon emissions worldwide.

What is carbon offsetting?

Offsetting involves counterbalancing your emissions by financially supporting equivalent CO2 reductions in other areas.

In contrast to alternative carbon reduction methods, offsetting offers a straightforward and budget-friendly way to mitigate your carbon footprint, all without the need for alterations to your vehicles or fuel sources.

Greenarc’s carbon offset program empowers our clients to reduce their carbon footprint by financing projects dedicated to curbing and averting CO2 emissions through diverse sustainable methods. Alongside the environmental advantages, these initiatives also foster job creation, enhance infrastructure, and offer additional social advantages to underserved communities.

Green Energy with Greenarc

Triple-verified carbon offsetting scheme

We work with well-established and experienced Carbon Project Developers who are all verified by external and leading global Carbon Offset verification organisations such as Gold Standard, VERRA Verified Carbon Standard, and Climate Action Reserve.

Are you ready to accelerate your journey to net zero with carbon offsetting?

Speak to a member of our team today about offsetting your business fuel card purchases.

Get in touch

Your Frequently Asked Questions.

We have the answers to your most frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what you are looking for our expert team are happy to discuss your specific needs before matching you with the perfect fuel card for your business.

No, rather the money you’re spending is being invested in a project that is already running and removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

All schemes selected are pre-vetted by selected verification standards.

We will issue an offset pack detailing a breakdown of CO2e emissions and project details including a retirement certificate.

No, you can compensate for 50 litres or 5,000,000 litres.

Scale – simply not enough space nor schemes available in the UK or Ireland.


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